Monday, January 21, 2013


A Masquerade Of Lies



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"True courage is about knowing not when to take a life, but when to spare one."
-Gandalf, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

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~Things you need to know about the club itself~

Once inside the club
Once you step foot inside the extravagant manor at which the meeting are held in you cannot leave the grounds until the block is lifted. The block is put in place by the president of the club to keep anyone with special gifts or talents on the inside and anyone who is not special on the outside. There is literally no way to escape until the block is lifted.

A lot of activities done within the club are very old fashioned, dating back to the 1700s when the club was established. Everything from the way the write to the way they dance is derived from the 1700s. The attire of the club consists of beautiful Victorian ball gowns and old fashioned tuxes. At the start of the club meetings there is a council held for all members, it?s boring but it has to be done, after everyone is free to practice their powers on innocent sacrifices, normal people who have been caught for this purpose they will never be set free. The second half of the night is the ball where everyone can mingle, though masks cannot be taken off, nor your real identity reviled, this is mostly for the younger crowd.

By blood we are bound
By blood we are bound is the oath that everyone must give. Their blood is taken from them and kept secret, a curse is placed over the blood, if you betray the club, your blood is destroyed and you die slowly and painfully. It does not matter if you are the president?s son, for betraying you will die. The club is cold and one mess up could cost your life.

All members live in the real world, got to real jobs. As far as high school all members who attend high school go to the same school, though they are unaware of the other. I?m sure their smart enough that they may have a feeling or another person may look familiar, but they would never question in fear of giving secrets away.

Why Masks?
Not only does the club want each guest to have privacy, but they feel as though it is a good way for their young members to fall in love without looks and more based on personality.

Any secret society is bound to have a few dark secrets. But, this clubs secrets are beyond infidelity or embezzlement. Let me enlighten you, for starters, in 1725 when the club was first founded the son of the first president murdered his father and his mother for full power of the club, his power was the only one of its kind immortality and invincibility, his brother on the other had had the only power that could kill his power hungry brother and he did so. Now ?The Masquerade? belonged to the youngest of the president?s sons. Years pasted and the more the club grew the dark and more horrifying the secrets become. Thus, going to extreme measures to keep the club and it?s secrets hidden.

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