Friday, January 25, 2013

Daily Mobile Computing Feed ? Jan 24, 2013

  • Companies Warming to BYOD | Fox Small Business Center
  • Companies have grown to embrace the bring-your-own-device (BYOD) trend, new research has found. (more)

  • How a Big Financial Services Firm Faced BYOD iPads
  • CIO Magazine Blackstone spent a lot of time and energy finding ways to secure confidential documents on BYOD iPads, even looking at possibly purchasing iPads for employees. The company leveraged two main technologies-MobileIron and WatchDox-to solve the ? (more)

  • Non-profit cuts costs with BYOD
  • Computerworld Australia Compassion Australia has saved thousands of dollars since shifting to a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) mobile strategy, according to the non-profit organisation?s systems administrator of projects, Blessing Matore. Compassion is a Christian non-profit ? (more)

  • Big changes ahead for the military?s BYOD strategy
  • Defense Systems The Defense Department?s game plan of allowing mobile devices in the workplace includes exploring mobile device management (MDM), a strategy that could potentially turn some defense employees off to the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) concept, DOD ? (more)

  • IT Managers Embrace BYOD ? Business Insider
  • By Heather Leonard
    What You Need To Know About BYOD (Dell) How does bring your own device (BYOD) work best? How can companies ensure that their employees are happy and working productively on their own devices? To answer these questions, Dell ? (more)

  • BYOD + cloud swinging pendulum from content to collaboration ? AIIM
  • By Steve Weissman
    Much time and effort has been spent over the years improving the quality of the information we use to get our work done: we?ve invested in the deskewing and despeckling of images, subjected documents to version control, and striven to ? (more)

  • BYOD gaining traction, cutting costs and increasing efficiency
  • iTWire Enterprises are cutting business costs and increasing efficiency through the continued use of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programs, according to secure enterprise mobility vendor, Good Technology, which says there is an increasing adoption and support ? (more)

  • How a Big Financial Services Firm Faced BYOD iPads
  • CIO With BYOD iPad security under control, financial services firm Blackstone looks toward tough challenges ahead, including the possibility of company-owned iPads and opening up its BYOD program to Android and Windows 8 devices. By Tom Kaneshige ? (more)

  • Understanding The Bring-Your-Own-Device Landscape ? By Invitation Only
  • Mondaq News Alerts (registration) The rising use of personal technologies for work-related activities has coined the phrase Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD). It is a trend that has potential to bring substantial benefits to enterprises, but can equally present considerable risks and ? (more)

  • The Future of Mobile Computing
  • ***Editor?s Note*** RIM is really big on pushing the concept of mobile computing. So much so in fact, that the author of this post, @Lombaki, has been requested ? (more)

  • High Performance Laptops GeneralMobileComputing MobileComputing
  • Hi, I?m currently looking at all the manufacturers high performance laptops as a desktop replacement / mobile workstation. I?m looking at machine with ? (more)

  • New BYOD Threat: Email That Self-Destructs
  • InformationWeek As the BYOD movement infiltrates the enterprise, IT managers have more to worry about than ever. The latest challenge: Employees who use apps to send messages that ?self-destruct.? The possibility of employees dropping company secrets into Dropbox ? (more)

  • Bring Your Own Device Policies Are Changing The Way We Work Across The ?
  • Business Insider Eighty-nine percent of IT departments worldwide support bring your own device (BYOD) practices, according to a Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group survey on mobile device usage. Overall, BYOD tends to be a more popular trend in Asia, Latin America ? (more)

  • 5 Ways To Manage BYOD And Protect Sensitive Healthcare Data
  • CRN Employees are buying smartphones and tablets in record numbers and in some cases are insisting that they can use their personal devices to connect to corporate systems. According to the federal government?s website, healthcare ? (more)

  • Enterprises increasingly supporting BYOD
  • Computer Business Review Good Technology?s Bring Your Own Device survey revealed that BYOD continues to gain traction. Companies not supporting a BYOD scheme are increasingly becoming a minority. ?This is no surprise to us since we hear every day from our customers how ? (more)

  • VMware: Tackling BYOD? Here?s Some Food for Thought
  • Looking to support bring your own device within your company? You?re not alone. Today over 65% of organizations are exploring how to embrace BYOD. In fact, it seems as though most customers I talk to have some sort of BYOD initiative in play or at the ? (more)

  • 5 Alternatives to BlackBerry Balance: Where BYOD Coexists with IT
  • Whether you believe BYOD is headed to its death or not, the current market is still investing a great deal into this consumer-driven trend. The droves of iPads carried into the office, under the arms of executives and sales teams alike, has created ? (more)

  • Dell Survey: Impact of BYOD
  • UCStrategies According to a Dell Quest Software survey, IT executives are able to gauge the level of organizational maturity with BYOD strategies already being used, and are also able to realize and plan for problems and benefits. The findings from the survey ? (more)

  • The Ten Commandments of Bring Your Own Device
  • CIO It?s as if a voice boomed down from the mountain ordering all of the employees you support to procure as many devices as possible and connect them to corporate services en masse. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) was born and employees followed with ? (more)


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