Saturday, March 24, 2012

15 product reviews articles | Report Writing

  • Project ID:

  • Project Type:

  • Budget:

    $30-$250 USD

Project Description:

Project Description:
I am looking for high quality writers who is good at Amazon product reviews. We've found few here, but we need more. I will supply you an example of the style of review I am looking for. All articles must be written by a NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKING writer. I can't accept articles just filled with fluff words meant to fill space.

I am looking for 10 GOOD writers who are looking for long term work. I pay $2.00 to per 3 word articles. The articles need to be informative to the reader with 100% correct grammar and punctuation.

We have decent network, once we found your 1st job is qualified, you'll have 100+ projects to receive from us.

Followings Are the Basic Requirements:

1. These reviews must be a minimum of 3 words however you can write as much as you like.

2. You must have Amazon purchase experience, and you can control at least 10 accounts.

Skills required:

Report Writing




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Project posted by:

festivalink Japan
(0 Reviews)
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