Saturday, December 17, 2011

What Your Insurance Adjuster Wishes You Knew | Madame Noire ...

If you?ve ever filed an insurance claim, you?ve dealt with an insurance adjuster. The adjuster?s job is to review the claim, determine whether it?s payable under the terms of your policy and determine how much the company should pay you for your loss. Unlike agents, adjusters deal with policyholders at their worst. After a claim, you may be feeling stressed or upset about your property. Sometimes it?s hard to work with the adjuster. However, if you knew what he knew, it might be easier to get your claim settled and your check cut.

The More You Cooperate, the Faster It Goes
It may seem like your insurance adjuster is the enemy but he?s not. In fact, he?s the one who gets you your check. So if he asks for something?documentation of the loss or to come inspect the claim site?let him. As soon as he gets the information he needs, he can make a decision and cut the check.Your Policy is Supposed to Indemnify You
You can?t profit from an insurance claim. Instead, the policy is meant to indemnify you. Indemnification is the act of putting you back into a similar or equal position as you were in before your loss. So when your adjuster is looking at a ten year old car as a total loss, he can?t pay you for the cost of a brand new one. You?re going to get the value of your ten year old car instead.

Your Neighbors Will Tell On You
And so will your passengers, your family and your coworkers. Depending on the nature of the policy and your claim, your insurance adjuster has to take a statement from any witnesses or anyone with relevant information. In most cases, insurance fraud is caught when someone close to the insured. Most people don?t want to lie under oath in a deposition or get mixed up in some crazy insurance fraud scheme.

Yelling Will Get You Nowhere
We?ve all lost our cool during a stressful situation and said something we shouldn?t have to someone just doing his job. Remember that just as you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar, you can get more done by speaking calmly and rationally than screaming. If you need to take a moment to collect yourself, do so. And, if you find yourself saying something you wish you could take back, just come back with an apology and start over.



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